Dan's Blog DevOps and such

Why i switched from cd to zoxide

This is a rather short article, but it highlights a small change with a big impact. I will briefly discuss why I switched from ‘cd’ to ‘zoxide’ and why you might want to consider it as well.

‘cd’ is a command you probably use every day hundreds of times. Maybe you also have some sort of autocompletion for your shell because it’s faster and more convenient.

Well, I installed zoxide, along with a plugin for the fish shell, and after setting the alias “alias cd=z”, I basically replaced every “cd” with “z”.

This enables me, for example, to type “cd -” and navigate to the previous directory every time. Also, after a while, zoxide will learn your frequently used paths, so you don’t have to type “cd ~/.config/nvim” anymore — a simple “cd nvim” is enough, and the same goes for your project folders.

So just check out zoxide on GitHub to learn how to install and configure your shell with this great tool, improving your speed and convenience even further.