Dan's Blog DevOps and such

Why I Continue To Advocate For Centos Stream In Production Environments

A few years ago, there was considerable discussion surrounding Red Hat’s transition of CentOS, which, according to insights shared by “industry experts” on platforms such as Reddit, was perceived as a shift towards an unstable development-oriented rolling-release model. It is possible that you encountered similar information and, perhaps, acted upon the advice of professionals who expressed their opinions online.

This narrative reflects the state of CentOS prior to the aforementioned transformation:

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Gentoo goes Binary

I was genuinely excited as I read the latest Gentoo news regarding their commitment to providing more binary packages for Gentoo stable.

Gentoo is often referred to as the non-binary distribution, where everything must be compiled from source code. For me, this aspect has always been Gentoo’s greatest strength and, simultaneously, its most significant weakness. Despite being a fervent Gentoo fan, I find myself resorting to Arch in certain environments because, I must admit, compile times on Gentoo, especially on older hardware, can be quite painful.

This is precisely why Gentoo is now expanding its offering of binary packages on their (mirror) servers. While, for most architectures, this is limited to the core system and weekly updates, it’s a different story for amd64 and arm64. There, they boast an impressive >20 GByte of packages on their mirrors, ranging from LibreOffice to KDE Plasma and from Gnome to Docker. Gentoo stable is updated daily!

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Gitea - A Small and Scaleable DevOps Platform - From Your Homelab to Enterprise

What I appreciate in software is when it scales efficiently. I dislike overstretched goals and under-delivering on value.

In recent years, GitLab, for example, made numerous promises about features but struggled to deliver on many occasions. Notably, they still lack support for ARM64 (See Epic).

Moreover, in most cases, I’ve observed that companies don’t necessarily need an exhaustive feature set like GitLab’s. What they often require is CI/CD, Issues, package management, Renovate or Webhooks, in addition to User Management.

With Gitea, I get all of this - and more. I can also run it on a Raspberry Pi or configure it for replication on larger machines.

In this article, I’ll show you how I installed a simple Gitea test instance on a small server (1 CPU, 1GB RAM) and hosted a runner for CI/CD actions. All of this was set up in ~1h. For demonstration purposes, I did not dive into TLS or backup topics, and OAuth2 is not included.

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k9s Tutorial

I am excited to introduce an article about k9s, a powerful tool designed for efficient management of kubernetes clusters, whether it be on platforms like EKS or k3s. This tool has significantly enhanced my productivity, allowing me to navigate kubernetes environments, manage pods, and swiftly identify issues with remarkable speed.

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Write Your Own GPT based Telegram Assistent

In this article, I will teach you how to write a GPT-based Telegram Bot in Go using OpenAI’s API. This bot is just an example of how easy it is to utilize GPT’s API. There are way more things you can do besides a chat bot, but this should give you a good and simple overview to start with.

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